Jessica Riscili, Future Professional Advisor

Paul Mitchell The School Columbus

I am so in love with this program! It is ridiculous! The time that is being saved for our Learning Leaders is incredible. I am excited to get everyone on board with this… I can not thank you enough!!!

Cameo College of Essential Beauty

We have been using Online Testing for several years now. We knew from the beginning this would set us apart from the stereotypic Cosmetology School, leveling us with the academic realm of education. Our students feel like true college students performing their theoretical exams electronically at their convenience. This allows more useful time spent in the classroom educating versus testing. We have moved all testing to online and see this as the way of the future.

Allen S.

I did my masters degree online so it was second nature for me to take tests online. I like it better because I can take it at my convenience over the weekend and also because I can take it in a quiet area versus in a big class.

The Eric Fisher Academy

Our educational staff and students enjoy the freedom of Online Testing. Our instructors set up a time-range of when the student can take the test and can also set a time limit. It is very quick and easy. Online Testing also grades the test saving a lot of educator time and energy. Students love Online Testing because it allows for flexibility and soothes test anxiety. Overall it is a WIN/WIN for our educators and students!

Tennessee School of Beauty

We have been using Online Testing Group since September 2012 and have nothing but positive things to say about their system. Besides the ease of use and the fact that our students and teachers love it, I love what it has done for the image of our school. Because so many of our students had taken tests online while they attended traditional college, offering the same testing methodology in beauty school has made them feel like we’re more on par with traditional colleges. From an administrative standpoint, not only does it allow us to be more eco-friendly, but we have already noticed significant cost savings as we no longer have to print tests, answer keys, etc. If other schools and corporations will simply do a cost analysis on printing vs. online testing, they will move all of their testing over to Online Testing Group.

Katelyn J.

This new online testing is GREAT! Some people work late at night during the week, and having the test open all weekend creates an opportunity for them, and all of us for that matter, to take the test on our own time. Also, we get to look at the questions that we answered incorrectly at the end of our exam, which is nice. That way we can immediately see what we missed and the correct answer.